Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Has Definitely Sprung

This has been a long winter and it's finally spring. I just love these crocuses.

I don't know if it's a case of time for spring cleaning or just (way) too much time on my hands, but I actually knit a dishcloth. Not that I started out to do so. I wanted to make a re-usable pad for my mop (since I'm so frugal, aka cheap). The prototype (bigger one) was just too big to fit nicely (it was - before hot water wash shrinkage - the same size - length/width - as the throwaway pads, just much bulkier). So rev 1 was smaller, just to fit the mop base, with ears to wraparound. I wanted something to use as a dry mop, to get the dust under the furniture -- and I must say, it worked like a champ (where did those dust bunnies come from?). Rev 2 will be all garter stitch -- more nooks and crannies for the dust.

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