Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tom Sawyer Day

Today was Tom Sawyer day at our community garden. Everyone was invited to come help finish painting the fence. They even had lemonade, goodies, and face painting for the kids. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day, sunny and warm (but not hot).

Everything seems to be falling in place, albeit slowly. Everyone's hoping they can get in and till the entire garden this week, leaving only the task of marking each plot before we can start planting. There's even a new water storage barrel in place.

Note to parents. Please don't give in to 8-10 year olds who are whining that painting isn't fun, they're too tall to paint the bottom railing, they can't eat with paint on their hands, etc, etc. They are too old to whine. While we're glad you left so we didn't have to listen -- it's really not good for the kids.

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