Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye My Little Sweetheart

On Sunday we said goodbye to our 20 year old baby.  She'd been a member of the family since the summer of 1992 when her (feline) mother decided that my house would be a perfect place to raise her two kittens.  We never knew her exact birthday, but based on estimates, assumed it was May 1992.

 In her 20 years, she saw many changes:  a Dad (whom she loved), a new house, the deaths of her sister and mother, then the deaths of her feline "aunts."  From being one of five, she became an only-cat, reveling in the attention.  Even the arrival of her new sister didn't result in any loss of confidence and she remained the little princess.  She lived the saying "dogs have owners, cats have staff."  She was very vocal, with a loud bellow for a meow.  "Bring me snacks.  Turn on my fire.  Bring me snacks.  I'm on the couch, come sit with me.  Bring me snacks."  In her later years, she developed severe arthritis and recurring sinus infections and, as do families with senior humans, we made our home more accessible with ramps and low fronted litter pans and ensured she stayed warm with fleece pads and fires in the fireplace.

Why?  Because she was a cat who loved her people.  Just being with us.  She snuggled and loved to give kitty-kisses with her little sandpaper-y tongue.

In the end, her little body failed her.  But it was after 20+ years of love - from her to us and from us to her.  Goodbye little sweetheart - we love you.


Michelle said...

Sorry for your loss. :-( Sounds like you had a spectacular life together!

Susan B. said...

The loss of our furkids leaves a hole in our hearts. I am sorry for the loss of Little A. She knew your love and was a very lucky kitty. Hugs.

Karen said...

Oh, what a beautiful little kitten baby!!! I'm so so sorry - I can't even imagine how much you must be missing her. I know she's thankful for all you've given her during her 20 years with you.