Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy, Busy

This is a very busy time of year. Those lazy hazy days of summer are a distant memory and everyone's back on the fast track. This week was a blur of working, volunteering, and helping out at five exercise classes. Plus the usual house work, yard work, and a long dental appointment thrown in. But today we squeezed in some fun stuff.....and headed off to buy our fall mums and get an ice cream. We love to get our mums at Rainbow Mums in Carlisle, MA. I thought I was a dork for bringing my camera, but felt better when I saw many people with theirs (I'm still a dork, but obviously in good company). They have all sorts of mums, plus fall-blooming perennial asters. We chose quite a few (13, yikes!). Those are ours, lined up in the picture on the right, ready to load into the car.

After that, we headed over to the ice cream stand. The good news is that this is the smaller, less crowded of the two -- but it's still crowded. Hmmm. We got our favorite fall flavors -- pumpkin and gingersnap. So good.

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