Monday, August 30, 2010


We're really starting to do a lot of harvesting in our garden -- and some of our meals consist only of fresh produce.

We have potatoes....I just wish we kept track of what kinds they were. We had some yukon gold, a red skinned, and a white one. The white ones are huge!

The carrots are wonderfully crunchy and sweet (and a hit with the critters).

And the tomatoes have been an interesting experiment. We tried three varieties of heirlooms and three common hybrids....the heirlooms are definitely more finicky than the hybrids and a lot of them have been suitable only for the compost pile. Last night we taste-tested the Black Crims and Mr Stripeys.

The Black Crims are definitely not appetizing looking, but when sliced, look almost like a flower the way the seeds and chambers are arranged. They're a bit tangy and moderately juicy -- perfect for eating sliced with a meal.

Mr Stripeys are big and meaty, with few seeds and little juice. They're also very sweet. They'd make good sandwich tomatoes.

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